
第二部分:. 本月- 115
批准人:博士. Ivan Harrell, 23年7月27日
修改前: 12/16/11


The goal of this 政策 is to clearly outline the duties of a department/program chair. Having a clear delineation of duties prevents uncompensated and invisible labor. 塔科马 Community College recognizes that invisible labor is often disproportionately endured by people of color, women, and other marginalized groups. 如果需要一把椅子 to do additional duties, then those additional duties should be compensated in the 津贴或额外释放时间的形式. 这项政策概述了核心责任 所有系/项目主席. 附加责任及相应补偿 and/or release time are articulated in the 塔科马 Community College-塔科马 Community College Federation of Teachers Faculty Negotiated Agreement (“Faculty Negotiated Agreement”) 或相关的谅解备忘录.


This 政策 applies to all academic employees at 塔科马 Community College.


  • 教员协商协议第0条.20(b)(3); 4.30; 6.22(d); 8.50



  1. 学术的员工 – Any professor, counselor, librarian, department lead, or vocational professional/technical program lead, who is employed by the College, with the exception of the President 以及学院的其他管理人员.
  2. 部门/项目的椅子 – An academic employee who performs noninstructional duties and provides leadership 教师的组织单位. 专业/技术项目的主席是 appointed by management in consultation with program faculty. 其他组织的主席 单位按8选出.5.



部门/项目的椅子s provide leadership within the department/program and advocacy 我代表学院和社区. 成功的部门/项目主席 model good instruction, promote and lead curriculum development, represent the department/program to others and work with Deans or Management Supervisors on administrative issues such as Institutional Effectiveness, assessment, hiring, budgeting and scheduling. 这些 functions require knowledge of campus policies and practices as well as current professional 专业知识. Chairs will show a commitment to equity, diversity, inclusion, and cultural 工作场所的意识.


The 部门/项目的椅子 coordinates department issues and 担忧 with the Dean or Management Supervisor and department faculty as outlined in the Faculty Negotiated Agreement and fulfills the following responsibilities with the exception of any non-applicable duties as identified by the Chair and Dean or Management Supervisor.

  • In collaboration with the Dean or Management Supervisor, build, monitor, and adjust the annual class schedule in light of student need, curricular requirements, and budgetary 担忧.
  • Assist in the assignment of class enrollment permission codes, as needed.
  • In collaboration with department/program faculty and Dean or Management Supervisor, 确定并优先考虑采购需求
  • Attend chair meetings held by Dean or Management Supervisor or Provost
  • Assist in reviewing, updating, and revising department/program information and marketing 材料,与校园利益相关者协调.
  • Maintain ongoing collaboration with Student Affairs staff to support student success 以及项目的有效性.
  • Direct departmental/program-level program review, accreditation tasks, and assessment 项目.
  • Coordinate with the Dean or Management Supervisor on orienting new faculty to program 政策、课程和教学职责.
  • Assist the Dean or Management Supervisor with coordinating the observations of full 还有兼职教师.
  • Recommend professional development activities for faculty.
  • Encourage and mentor full 还有兼职教师 in participation in College initiatives 和委员会.
  • Hold quarterly meetings with department/program members, set agenda for meetings and 记录分钟.
  • Provide ongoing mentoring of new 还有兼职教师 (as needed), respond to on-going questions and need for support of part-time faculty.
  • Assist Dean or Management Supervisor with the development of position descriptions, the recruitment, screening and selection of part-time and full-time faculty.
  • Make quarterly recommendations regarding hiring of part-time faculty.
  • Make recommendations on multi-quarter appointments for part-time faculty.
  • Orient part-time faculty to teaching and working spaces, including possible discipline- 特定安全措施.
  • Assist the Dean or Management Supervisor with the tracking of faculty workload and class/program enrollments, and adjusting instructor schedules, as needed.
  • Coordinate department/program faculty in reviewing, revising and updating course information 并保持内容的准确性和时效性.
  • Attend 课程 Committee as needed to present course revisions or additions.
  • In consult with appropriate faculty and administration, coordinate and assist in the development, revision, implementation and evaluation of curriculum.
  • Respond to information inquiries and refer students to appropriate resources.
  • Listen to student 担忧 and help facilitate resolution in accordance with college 政策.

Possible other duties may be eligible for additional compensation or release, as articulated in the Faculty Negotiated Agreement or related MOUs.


过程 for this 政策 is defined in the 塔科马 Community College Federation of 教师与教师协商协议第4条.6 .(主席报酬).22(d) (工作职责).50(选择主席).

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